You are invited to submit a paper for the ASTT’s 12th No-Dig Down Under Conference and Exhibition, which will be held on the Gold Coast from 12-15 September 2017.

Share your knowledge and experiences with Australasia’s Trenchless Technology leaders.

The Call for Papers closes on Wednesday 15 March 2017. All eligible abstracts will be reviewed by a program committee for inclusion in the final conference program.

Papers covering any of the following topics are welcome:

  • horizontal directional drilling (HDD)
  • pipe jacking
  • microtunnelling
  • pipe ramming
  • design
  • training
  • new technology and equipment
  • cured in place pipe (CIPP)
  • grouting
  • slip lining and spray lining
  • spiral wound pipe
  • training
  • new technology and equipment
  • utility location.

Submit your paper online today!

Abstracts should be:

  • In English
  • Relevant to the themes of the event
  • Accompanied with a biography on the presenter

For more information visit the event website: