Overseas Opportunities!

*New* NASTT Membership Available now: International Individual Membership

Broaden your network and help yourself and your organization gain international recognition by inviting your overseas colleagues to join NASTT! There’s something for everyone in the NASTT Family.

Open to any individual residing outside of North America with interests in the advancement and the application of trenchless technologies for the overall benefit of our infrastructure and our communities.  Available to “individuals only” as an associate membership without voting privileges within the society and our affiliates.  International members may not hold office with NASTT or with the NASTT Regional Chapters.  Group membership for municipalities or corporations are not offered internationally by NASTT.

International Individual Members can save $250 USD on an individual full conference registration at NASTT’s Annual No-Dig Show.  This benefit alone pays for the membership.  To be eligible, you must be certified as International Individual Member at the time of the conference.  International Individual Member Price: $250.00

Click here to join!