Michelle Macauley announces the formation of Macauley Trenchless, PLLC
Michelle Macauley brings over two decades of experience as a geotechnical engineer and as a subject matter expert in trenchless technology for water and wastewater conveyance projects. Joining Michelle as her operations manager and as a soon-to-be-certified Project Management Professional (PMP) is Jeff Macauley. Jeff is an army special operations combat veteran bringing over 25 years of experience in risk identification, risk mitigation and project management.
Michelle has more than 21 years of experience in geotechnical engineering, with a particular emphasis on trenchless design and involvement in the water/wastewater industry. Prior to starting Macauley Trenchless, Michelle was the National Trenchless Practice Lead for Jacobs Engineering and oversaw multiple trenchless projects across the company. Prior to working at Jacobs, Michelle was a senior geotechnical engineer specializing in trenchless design and construction with other Pacific Northwest geotechnical and trenchless design firms. Her trenchless expertise includes horizontal directional drilling, microtunneling, pipejacking, auger-boring, pipe ramming, pilot-tube microtunneling, and other technologies. In addition to her extensive project experience, she has been active in the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT), is currently serving on the Board of Directors for NASTT, and is a regular presenter at national trenchless conferences.
“I am so excited to begin a business pursuing my passion helping people evaluate the risks and benefits associated with trenchless design and construction.”
For further information please contact:
Michelle Macauley – michelle@macauleytrenchless.com
Jeff Macauley – jeff@macauleytrenchless.com