Deep Trekker is set to launch its enhanced trenchless technology product line, the 340 Pipe Crawler system at the NASTT’s No-Dig Show in April.

Trenchless technology helps municipalities inspect, maintain, and repair their buried infrastructure. Allowing operators the ability to see what’s happening within stormwater and wastewater systems without unearthing them. This is an important fact; with every passing year, the structural integrity of many municipal water management systems are reaching the point where they need to be repaired or reconstructed. Replacing entire systems can be quite costly and in some instances – unnecessary.

Trenchless Technology – The No-Dig Solution

Performing regular inspections of buried infrastructure have proven to be the most challenging factor for many municipalities due to the lack of accessibility and affordability.  One small town spent $400,000 to hire a CCTV service company to conduct inspections of it storm water pipes. Realizing after that they could conduct their own inspections using trenchless technology; this lead them to purchase a Deep Trekker 340 Pipe Crawler at a fraction of the cost.

Deep Trekker is set to introduce its enhanced product line of trenchless technology at the upcoming NASTT’s No-Dig Show. This event provides the ideal platform to display the 340 Pipe Crawler and its features to industry professionals.

This North American show will bring municipalities, contractors, engineers, and personnel from various energy and utility companies, all looking to learn about new trenchless technologies and techniques that will effectively save time and money.

Deep Trekker will be present at booth #529; if you are attending the event and would like a private demonstration or presentation, be sure to contact them in advance to set up the one-on-one meeting.