Apply for ISTT’s International No-Dig Awards!

Deadline of submission: 15th August 2017 (Extended from 31st July!)
The winner will be announced at No-Dig Colombia  (25-27th September 2017)

Four categories are eligible to receive Awards as shown below. Awards may not be made in all categories in a given year.

  1. Academic research or training aid/course.
  2. Trenchless project completed.
  3. New machine, tool, material, system or technique introduced.
  4. Student or young professional paper – Members regularly enrolled in college or university, or spending at least half their time on academic course work

The aim of ISTT is to promote the science and practice of trenchless technology, and the Awards are to raise the profile and status of the Society and its Award Winners. All award winners (1) are recognized at the Gala dinner and presented a trophy and certificate, (2) are featured in an article in Trenchless International, (3) are added to the published list of ISTT award winner role of honor posted on the ISTT website, and (4) are authorized to use the ISTT logo on promotional material related to the award activity or recipients. In addition, the winner may be afforded an opportunity to make a brief presentation on the activity that received the award at the Conference time and schedule permitting. The student award winner receives a small cash award and limited financial travel assistance to attend the Conference. Visit the ISTT website for details!