Jeff Boschert, P.E., BC.PLW, F.ASCE
President, National Clay Pipe Institute

Jeff is the President of the National Clay Pipe Institute (NCPI), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to research, education, and leadership in the vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers industry for more than 100-years. In the twelve years since he stepped into that role, Jeff has significantly grown the impact of the Institute’s educational outreach. Jeff joined NCPI from Missouri DOT in 2004 to serve as the leader of NCPI’s trenchless initiatives and has become a leading expert in the field of pilot tube guided boring. He consults with design engineers, utility contractors and municipalities on both conventional open-cut installation methods and trenchless technology options for pipeline installations.
Jeff represents the industry on multiple ASCE and ASTM committees. He is past president of the Midwest Society for Trenchless Technology (MSTT) and was one of the principal authors of the ASCE/ Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) Manual of Practice (MOP No. 133) on Pilot Tube and Other Guided Boring Methods. He has served on the ASCE/ UESI Pipelines Division Executive Committee (ExCom) and is the past Chairman of the UESI Pipelines Division Technical Committee -Trenchless Installation of Pipelines (TIPs). He served as Conference Chairman of the ASCE/ UESI Pipelines 2022 Conference held in Indianapolis.
In July of 2024, Jeff became a Board-Certified Pipeline Engineer-Water (BC.PLW) of the Utility Engineering & Surveying Certification Board (UESCB), a subsidiary of Civil Engineering Certification Inc. and the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Jeff holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T).