
An arrangement of pipes and valves whereby the flow may be passed around a hydraulic structure or appurtenance. Also, a temporary setup to route flow around a part of a sewer system.

Bypass Pumping

The transportation of sewage which flows around a specific sewer pipe/line section or sections via any conduit for the purpose of controlling sewage flows in the specified section or sections without flowing or discharging onto public or private property.


A watertight chamber used in shaft construction under water. The ground within the chamber is excavated allowing the chamber to sink under its own weight into the ground.


Rise or crown of the center of a bridge, or Bowline through a culvert, above a straight line through its ends.


A principal module that is part of a shield machine such as an MTBM or tunnel boring machine (TBMs); its use depends on the installation dimensions required and the presence of an articulated joint to facilitate steering. The can may also be referred to as a trailing tube.