Mixed Ground

The excavated tunnel zone, without a defined interface, that contains soil and coarse fractions of gravels, cobbles, and boulders (i.e., silt with boulders). This term is not currently defined by ASTM or USCS.

Mixed Reach

Refers to a significant change in ground type, characteristics, or behavior along the excavated tunnel between the jacking and receiving shafts. This term is not currently defined by ASTM or USCS.


(1) A written amendment of the contract documents signed by both parties. (2) A change order. (c) A written clarification or interpretation issued by the engineer in accordance with the terms of the contract. (d) A written order for a minor change or alteration in the work issued by the engineer pursuant to the terms of the contract. A modification may only be issued after execution of the agreement.

Modified Sliplining

A range of techniques in which the liner is reduced in cross sectional diameter before insertion into the Carrier Pipe. It is subsequently restored to close to its original diameter, generally forming a close fit with the original pipe. Methods of cross sectional area reduction include squeezing, folding into a U-shape or stretching. See Lining with Close-fit Pipes.

Modulus of Elasticity (E)

The stress required to produce strain, which may be a change of length (Young’s modulus); a twist or shear (modulus); a twist or sheat (modulus or rigidity); or a change of volume (bulk modulus), expressed in dynes per square centimeter.