Brittleness Temperature
Temperature at which 50% of the tested specimens will fail when subjected to an impact blow.
Temperature at which 50% of the tested specimens will fail when subjected to an impact blow.
An amount of money needed or allocated for a specific use.
A small diameter pipe that conveys both wastewater and drainstormwater from a single property to a combined sewer.
A small diameter pipe that conveys wastewater from a single property (e.g. domestic home) to a sanitary sewer.
The conduit which connects building wastewater sources, to the public or street sewer, including lines serving homes, public buildings, commercial establishments, and industry structures. In this specification, the building sewer is referred to in two sections. (1) the section between the building line and the property line, frequently specified and supervised by plumbing or housing officials; and (2) the section between the property line and the street sewer, including the connection thereto frequently specified and supervised by sewer, public works, or engineering officials (Referred to also as “house sewer,” “building connection,)’ “service connection,” or “lateral connection”).