Slurry Lines

Parallel hoses or pipes that transport spoils and slurry from the face of a slurry microtunneling machine through the discharge line to the ground surface for separation, and then return the slurry to the face for reuse through the charge line (the charge line is also known as a feed line or inlet line).

Slurry Separation

A process where excavated material is separated from the circulation slurry. Mechanical separation is typical, although gravity separation in pits or tanks is possible with coarse-grained soils.

Slurry Shield Method

Method using a mechanical tunnelling shield with closed face which employs hydraulic means for removing the excavated material and balances the ground water pressure. See also Earth Pressure Balance Machine.

Social Costs

Costs incurred by society as a result of collection system works. These include business losses due to road closures, and the cost of extended journey times due to traffic delays and diversions.