Aggressive Index (AI)

Corrosion index established by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard C-400; established as a criterion for determining the corrosive tendency of the water relative to asbestos-cement pipe; calculated from the pH, calcium hardness (H), and total alkalinity (A) by the formula AI = pH + log (A * H).


The written agreement between the owner and the contractor covering the work to be performed; the contract documents are attached to and made a part of the agreements. Also designated as the contract.


The capacity of a water to neutralize acids; a measure of the buffer capacity of a water. The major portion of alkalinity in natural waters is caused by (1) hydroxide, (2) carbonates, and (3) bicarbonates.


An oxide of aluminum present in clay.


Asset Management Plan; a structured approach for utilities to achieve long term defined service standards – or – an external bearing used to isolate the final drive from the thrusting force of the machine.