A surface-launched trenchless technology for the installation of pipes, conduits, and cables. HDD creates a pilot bore along the design pathway and reams the pilot bore in one or more passes to a diameter suitable for the product, which is pulled into the prepared bore in the final step of the process.
AugerA flighted drive tube having hex couplings at each end, to transmit torque to the cutting head and transfer spoil back to the machine. boring, boring, and jacking; the use of auger boring machines to prepare holes by the installation of a casing whereby the spoil is removed by the use of augers.
A machine used to bore horizontally through the earth by means of a rotating tool, or nonrotating pushing or piercing tool.
The mechanical installation of pipe or casing by rotating methods which do not use augers for the removal of spoil. Usually uses a fluid of water and bentonite to remove spoil.
The tube which carries the product being transported and which may go through casings at highway and railroad crossings. It may be made of steel, concrete, clay, plastic, ductile iron, or other materials. On occasion it may be bored direct under the highways and railroads.