
A specialized monitoring well that provides discrete screens and underground seals to produce a measurement of the groundwater pressure at specific intervals below ground. The groundwater pressure may be measured using open standpipes or vibrating wire transducers.

Pile, Bearing

A member driven or jetted into the ground and deriving its support from the underlying strata and/or by the friction of the ground on its surface.


Rigid supports, driven vertically to provide wall support in the pit.

Pilot Bore

The action of creating the first (usually steerable) pass of any boring process which later requires back-reaming or similar enlarging. Most commonly applied to Guided Boring, Directional Drilling, and 2-pass microtunneling systems.

Pilot Tube Method

A multistage method of accurately installing a product pipe to line and grade by use of a guided pilot tube followed by upsizing to install the product pipe. The pilot tube method does not fit within the definition of microtunneling.