Amanda Kerr

We are proud to Spotlight NASTT Student Chapter member, Amanda Kerr, from Arizona State University who was one of NASTT’s 2015 Argent Memorial Scholarship winners.

Amanda explains her passion for trenchless:

When I first attended the NASTT No-dig conference in Orlando, I knew next to nothing about trenchless technology. I wandered the exhibit halls in amazement and asked the exhibitors endless questions.

As a Barrett Honors Student at Arizona State University looking for a thesis topic, I knew this fascination would lead to a thesis that I was truly passionate about. I had the honor of taking a graduate course for my accelerated masters program on trenchless technologies with Dr. Samuel Ariaratnam where I gained specialized knowledge of horizontal directional drilling, microtunneling, pipe bursting, and auger boring.  Throughout this course I developed a direction for my thesis, and resolved to investigate and develop a compendium of the factors that determine success on noteworthy tunneling and micro tunneling construction projects.

Congratulations Amanda! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!