We are proud to spotlight NASTT Student Chapter member, Daniel Legere, from IUPUI in Indianapolis. Daniel is the president of the IUPUI Student Chapter.

Daniel said, “I am entering my final year at IUPUI and it’s been an amazing adventure thus far! I am working toward a degree in Construction Engineering and currently work for Patterson Horth Inc. General Contactors as an assistant project manager. Before I began my college career I worked for an HDD company just north of Indianapolis and it was that experience in trenchless technology that made me realize I wanted to seek a degree in construction.

In March our chapter was honored to go to NASTT’s No-Dig Show in Dallas, TX where we were able to network and meet plenty of professionals looking to hire soon to be graduates. Our chapter plans to make the trip to Washington D.C. in 2017 and hope to see you there.

This year our chapter is working with Habitat for Humanity in an effort to give back to our local community. IUPUI’s NASTT Student Chapter also sponsors a flag football team as well as our annual Regatta rowing team.

I am also a member of CSI Indianapolis Chapter and on September 28 from 2:00PM – 7:00PM, we will be hosting our annual CSI Trade Show at the JW Marriott in downtown Indianapolis (10 S West St., Indianapolis, IN 46204). No cost for attendees! Check out our website for registration and details at http://indianapolis.csinet.org/.

Excellent job, Daniel! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!