Stephen said, “I began my career in heavy construction 23 years ago building a new taxiway at the Missoula Montana airport. In spite of being a 3rd generation builder, it certainly wasn’t my dream job, though it did pay the bills.” Jokingly he added, “my other dream job of a fly-fishing guide never panned out for lack of ability. I eventually found my way into the engineering side of the industry which I enjoyed a great deal more. My love for innovation inspired me to pursue a graduate degree in civil engineering at Virginia Tech, wherein I joined a research team that had a great deal of involvement in the trenchless industry.

Since leaving Virginia Tech, my career has had me involved in water and wastewater infrastructure management. I have worked as a contractor for some of the largest utilities in the country on these types of projects and have enjoyed it immensely. I currently work for Pure Technologies near Dallas, Texas as a project manager for structural integrity and leak detection inspections, and it is honestly some of the coolest work on earth. Hurrah for proactive pipeline management, and double hurrah for NASTT!”

We are proud of you, Stephen! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!