istt-logo-2Next year is set to be the year of ‘Trenchless in the Americas’ with the ISTT’s International No-Dig Show being held in conjunction with NASTT’s No-Dig Show, and the Trenchless World Congress scheduled to take place in Medellin, Colombia, in September 2017.

Speaking on the events ISTT Executive Director John Hemphill said “In April, NASTT kicks off the year of Trenchless in the Americas hosting the 35th International No-Dig in conjunction with its annual No-Dig Show. The event will focus primarily on trenchless activities and developments in North America.

“The theme will carry over to Colombia where in September CISTT will host the Trenchless World Congress in Medellin. The Congress will focus on market opportunities for Trenchless Technology in Central and South America.

“It’s exciting to have two key societies engaged in promoting and advancing the benefits and opportunities of trenchless technologies in all of the Americas.”

Next April, NASTT will host the 35th International No-Dig in conjunction with it’s annual No-Dig Show, which will focus on trenchless activities and developments in North America.

The NASTT No-Dig Show and ISTT No-Dig Show will run concurrently on 9-13 September in Washington, DC.

In September, CISTT will host the Trenchless World Congress in Medellin, which will explore market opportunities for Trenchless Technology in Central and South America.

The 2017 ISTT Board of Directors meeting will also be held in Medellin, in association with the CISTT/ISTT Trenchless World Congress. ISTT will also give its annual Awards at the Congress’s Gala Dinner.

For more information on this event visit the ISTT website.

If you have an event you would like covered in Trenchless International contact Assistant Editor Nick Lovering at