We are proud to spotlight one of NASTT’s newest Student Chapters, University of Massachusetts Lowellumass-lowell-logo

UMASS Lowell joined NASTT’s Student Chapters in the summer of 2016. The chapter membership is comprised of Civil Engineering students at the university.

The University of Massachusetts Lowell is an urban public research university located in the greater Boston area. UMass Lowell is the largest university in the Merrimack Valley and is committed to preparing students for work in the real world by providing affordable, high-quality education. Students and faculty in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) are enthusiastic about actively engaging in trenchless activities and to promote learning. The CEE Department has long enjoyed a strong reputation of producing “work ready” engineers within the New England region. The CEE Department is widely known and it has 16 dedicated full-time faculty members who are committed to teaching, research, and community service. Students on this university campus are passionate and highly energetic.

The UMASS Lowell students would like to attend and contribute to the 2016 Northeast Trenchless Conference being held at the University Inn & Conference Center in collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The tentative plan of the student chapter includes: Student participation in conferences, inviting leaders from the trenchless industry as guest speakers on specific topics, identifying trenchless projects and scheduling field visits to practice and experience trenchless methods and conducting trenchless research under the supervision of a faculty.

The NASTT student chapter at the University of Massachusetts Lowell will be advertised to students who have not yet had any experience with the trenchless technology and will encourage them to learn about the trenchless world.

Welcome to NASTT, UMASS Lowell! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!