We are proud to spotlight one of NASTT’s Student Chapters, Arizona State University! ASU is one of NASTT’s most asu-hdd-field-tripactive Student Chapters and was founded in 2001.

Each year the students attend NASTT’s No-Dig Show and the event provides the opportunity for the students to interact with people within the trenchless construction industry and gain a better understanding of the various associated technologies.

In the past year, numerous NASTT members visited the ASU campus to give lectures to the Chapter. The students gained valuable real-world experience by visiting job sites to see Horizontal Directional Drilling. Several of the students are currently working as interns for firms directly involved in the trenchless industry.

Future plans for the Chapter include: NASTT members giving lectures on various trenchless technologies, field trips to local trenchless projects throughout the year and several chapter members are also currently engaged in research projects pertaining to trenchless issues.

Great job Arizona State University! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!