We are proud to spotlight one of NASTT’s Student Chapters, the University of Texas at Arlingtonuta-report-2

The University of Texas at Arlington’s Student Chapter was formed in 2006 and is one of the most active student chapters with over 60 members! The students are introduced to trenchless technology by classroom instructions, field trips, and guest speakers.

The objectives of the Chapter are to train graduate and undergraduate students under the supervision of the Chapter Faculty Advisor, Dr. Mohammad Najafi, while focusing on Underground Construction and Trenchless Technologies.

The UTA Student Chapter is a vital part of NASTT and their volunteerism during NASTT’s annual No-Dig Show is key to the success of the conference. This past spring, the Show was held near Dallas, Texas, just a few miles from the UTA campus and the conference benefited by having so many student volunteers on site.

Great job UTA! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!