We are proud to spotlight NASTT’s 2017 No-Dig Show Silver Sponsor, Digitial Control Incorporated (DCI).

DCI was founded by longtime friends, colleagues, aeronautical engineers, and avid pilots John Mercer and Peter Hambling in 1990 to create the most advanced HDD locating and tracking system in the market.  They also wanted to support this system with extraordinary world-class customer service.

DCI revolutionized the HDD industry with the introduction of the DigiTrak Locating system in 1991. The unique features of the new system provided greater accuracy for measuring the depth and location of the drillhead than prior systems. More importantly the new system provided two additional vital orientation parameters, pitch and roll. By knowing the pitch and roll of the drillhead the drill operators could advance the drill much faster and pull back the product easier so the drilling operation became more accurate, productive, and profitable. Almost overnight the other locating systems available at that time became obsolete and DCI steadily built a fast-growing market share.