We are proud to spotlight NASTT’s No-Dig Show Silver Sponsor, Quest Inspar.

Quest Inspar, LLC was formed in July 2012, with the acquisition of Inspar Field Services and InspaTech by a group led by Qi2 / Quest Integrated, a recognized technology leader, which has delivered innovative solutions that became standards in power, pipelines, chemical, refining and aviation.

Quest Inspar is a leading pipeline rehabilitation services company that advances and delivers economic advantaged, reliable solutions to rehabiliate and provide life extension of existing and new pressurized pipelines critical to water utilities, power generation, energy, and industry at large.

Their patented robotic installed PipeArmor® Manufactured-in-Place Pipe delivers environmentally safe, chemically resistant and highly-durable high-build polymer liners into pipe systems to achieve improved protection against wall loss or degradation of hydraulic performance, due to corrosion and erosion in existing as well as for new systems to be installed.