We are proud to spotlight NASTT Student Chapter member, Thierry Hall, from California State Polytechnic University – Pomona.  thierry-hall

“Hi everybody! I am Thierry Hall, currently a senior at Cal Poly Pomona studying Construction Engineering. Entering as the new president of Cal Poly Pomona’s NASTT Student Chapter I am using the motivation I gained from attending NASTT’s 2016 No-Dig Show to propel our chapter forward. Cal Poly’s chapter met a lot of long standing and new student chapters that have impressive activities and leaders. Meeting them was really inspiring to myself and our members.

Through an upcoming tech tour of TBM work in downtown Los Angeles, partnering with geotechnical clubs on campus, and increasing our research capability and momentum we hope to both promote and educate students about trenchless technologies. Looking forward to seeing you all at this year’s No-Dig Show in Washington DC.”

Well done, Thierry! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!