We are proud to spotlight one of NASTT’s Student Chapters, the University of Alberta!uofalberta-report

The NASTT-U of A Student Chapter was established in 2011 with the goals to enhance the general information about Trenchless Technology known to Albertan students and connect the underground construction industry with the academia.

Since then, the NASTT-U of A Student Chapter has organized monthly seminars for both graduate and undergraduate students to bring attention the ideas and the benefits of different areas of trenchless technology. These activities have helped many students to learn more about trenchless technology and join the student chapter.

The Chapter is involved in many research projects and also interacts with industry organizations for hands on learning. This year their plans included hosting monthly networking receptions, holding a trenchless technology seminar and hosting an industry guest lecturer, planning for the student chapter to visit a field project, encouraging undergraduate students to get involved in research projects in the area of trenchless by having some technical lunch meetings and short presentations and attending NASTT’s No-Dig Show in Dallas, Texas.

The U of A Student Chapter is a vital part of NASTT and their volunteerism during NASTT’s annual No-Dig Show is key to the success of the conference.

Great job U of A! The North American Society for Trenchless Technology’s Student Chapters, working to build the future of trenchless!