NASTT Regional Chapters
NASTT has a network of 12 regional chapters throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada. Regional chapters offer valuable educational and networking opportunities in your local area. Click on each chapter to learn more!
Share your ideas, network with colleagues and find solutions to your everyday challenges. With a single NASTT membership, you’re automatically enrolled, not only in the national organization but also in your regional chapter, if one is established.
NASTT’s Regional Chapter magazines are published annually or bi-annually by the chapter volunteers. Click here for more information and to view the most recent Regional Chapter magazines!

British Columbia
The British Columbia (NASTT-BC) Chapter was established in 2005 by members in the province of British Columbia, Canada.

Great Lakes, St. Lawrence & Atlantic
The Great Lakes, St. Lawrence & Atlantic (GLSLA) Chapter was established in 1995 and represents the Eastern Canadian perspective of the trenchless technology marketplace. GLSLA members are from Ontario, Quebec and the four Atlantic provinces.

The México Chapter was established in 2021 and represents the country of México’s perspective of the trenchless technology marketplace. MEXTT members are currently from and represent the entire country of México.
La Asociación en México se fundó en 2021 y representa la perspectiva del país en el mercado de las tecnologías de rehabilitación de tuberías sin excavación. Los miembros de la MEXTT actualmente son y representan a todo el país en México.

The Mid Atlantic (MASTT) Chapter was established in 2004 by members from the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.

The Midwest (MSTT) Chapter was established in 1998 to promote trenchless technology education and development for public benefit in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin.

The Northeast Chapter was established in 2015 by members in the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.

The Northwest Chapter was established in 1995 by members in the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, Canada, and in Washington state. In 2005, the members in British Columbia established the NASTT-BC Chapter. In 2009, the members in Washington state established the Pacific Northwest Chapter and the Northwest Chapter adjusted the geographic area to include the members in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Canada.

Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Northwest Chapter was established in 2009 by members in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Rocky Mountain
The Rocky Mountain Chapter was established in 2009 by members in the states of Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.

South Central
The South Central Chapter was established in 2015 to serve the members of NASTT from Oklahoma, Texas and the south central area of the United States

The Southeast (SESTT) Chapter was established in 2001 to serve the members of NASTT from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Puerto Rico.

The Western (WESTT) Chapter was established in 2003 by members from the states of Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, and Hawaii.