Cell Classification

Method of identifying plastic materials, such as polyethylene, as specified by ASTM D 3350, where the Cell Classification is based on these six properties: (1) Density of Base Resin (2) Melt Index (3) Flexural Modulus (4) Tensile Strength at Yield (5) ESCR (6) Hydrostatic Design Basis and Color.

Cellar Drain

A pipe or series of pipe which collect wastewater which leaks, seeps, or flow into subgrade parts of structures and discharge them into a building sewers or by other means dispose of such wastewaters into sanitary, combined or storm sewers (Referred to also as “basement drain”).

Cemented Soils

Soils in which the particles are held together by a naturally occurring or man-made chemical agent that changes the soils’ physical and mechanical properties.


The vertical distance between the center of the drive chuck and the ground plane.


Cubic Feet per Minute; a measure of flow volume. One CFM equals 0.472 liters per second.